Asking for a bad review

You know how positive online reviews build credibility and trust with prospects. Hopefully you’ve trained your staff to remind customers to post words of praise on the review site of their choice.

But what about bad reviews? What do you do about the slightly or extremely disgruntled customer? Do you just let them walk and hope they don’t spew venom online?  

Here’s a better strategy for controlling negative reviews: ask for them!

If you sense a customer is having an issue, ask them to tell you about it. Solve the problem privately before it becomes public. But in the event the disappointment comes later (at delivery, for example) use one of these clever tactics to steer the negative feedback away from the review sites and directly to you!

Here are two great examples of this strategy.

Greek Eats Restaurant

This restaurant attaches a card to each order, asking for “notes” about your order. It’s a polite and subtle suggestion to voice your opinion and they make it easy for the customer to contact them directly should they have a problem.

Greek Eats.jpg

Modani Furniture

This company sends an email after purchase (in fact, they send it out multiple times). It’s a much bolder approach that asks, “Would you recommend us?” then offers two links. The first leads to Google reviews. The second asks point blank, “Your experience not so great?” with a link to contact them directly. It’s a brilliant way to steer customers to privately voice their concerns.

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Of course, if someone sends you negative feedback directly, be sure to resolve the problem quickly so it doesn’t escalate into a public and negative review.

Don’t be afraid of criticism. Ask for it! It will help you create a better, more customer service- oriented business and keep issues private rather than on a public forum for all to see.

Until next time remember…
You can do this!


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