Create a career path for your employees

One of the biggest perks missing for most retail and restaurant employees is the opportunity for advancement. Even part time and younger workers who have no intention of making  retail a forever career are well-served by receiving recognition and promotions for a job well done.  And a satisfied and proud employee is better for your business.

Good people react favorably to advancement.  You can easily structure a program of acknowledgement for performance and achievement that inspires employees by implementing a milestone ladder.   For example:

Junior associate
Senior associate
Team Leader

Create a set of criteria for each level of advancement to include any or all of the following:

Minimum hours worked to reach the next level
Meeting performance goals
Positive customer reviews
Increased average sale
Leading staff training sessions, completion of approved online courses or trade knowledge
(provide a list of approved reading materials and courses including courses on how retail and restaurants work, including KPIs, management, inventory, etc.
Consistency in being on time and not calling out

Tailor the levels to your own business and the desired behavior.

Each level of advancement can carry with it a small raise, a gift card, a certificate of completion, a staff party or other public acknowledgement.

One recognition that costs pennies is providing a name badge with the new titles. And what about business cards?  We rarely see this except in high end but when an associate is able to offer a customer that level of credibility or the opportunity to request that clerk or server when they return shows you have faith in that employee and builds credibility for you and your shop as well.

I recently ate at a restaurant where the waiter offered his business card with the check and said I hope you enjoyed your service and please request to be seated in my section when you return. That’s powerful!

Until next time remember,
You can do this!